Welcome to this presence practice of grounding. In this video we ground through contact with our own bodies and the earth through our own energetic roots. At the end of the video are suggestions for making this practice your own.

Grounding brings us present and from within presence we can experience greater calm, ease, and personal power. Through grounding practices we can navigate both simple daily situations as well as difficult ones with more grace and poise.

Ground well and take good care of yourselves.

A quick grounding practice for when you need it now.

In this video, we ground our space. This is a terrific practice for any space we want to inhabit intentionally. Creative spaces can become more conducive to creating, we can feel more focused in our workspaces, the kitchen can become more streamlined and even safer, and the bedroom more restful. You’re invited to try this practice this week and let me know how it unfolds for you!

This is a grounding practice you can you on any project anywhere, encouraging steadiness and stability in your work while also allowing for inspiration to flow in and through.

Notice how using this practice impacts your concentration and ability to return to projects after interruptions.

Enjoy and, as always, I’d love to hear which of these practices you use and how they unfold for you.