In my house, Sundays are for creativity, heart, and self-remembering.

Well, every day is for those things, and Sunday is an especially good day to write about them.

This post is about the messy, glorious process of creativity rather than creative output.

Before we dive in I want to offer that this post meanders through astrology, creativity, visioning, and asking useful questions, but more than coming to a conclusion in any of those topics, this is more a personal and a process post. I don’t expect anyone else’s process to mimic my own and instead share it as an invitation for you to consider the non-linear yet richly rewarding realities of giving yourself this kind of time and space somewhere in your week and inner world.

In astrology, it’s the Sun’s day. The Sun in balance in an environment (inner or outer) is warming, life-affirming, generative, healing, and allows one to thrive. From its placement in our birth charts emanates how we identify as individuals and what we radiate out into the world. It is part of what sets the tone for our individual experience of selfhood. The Sun is associated with the heart and its plant kin include chamomile, calendula, St. John’s wort, sunflower. One of my favorite herbs, that in my estimation is a Venusian/solar hybrid is goldenrod that will bloom in late summer. The Sun is also associated with eye diseases while the eyes themselves are Venusian in nature. With Venus in the Sun’s sign on the ascendant, I am most at home with solar themes through a Venusian lens of beauty, harmony, love, and social accord.

Those details might interest you if you’re into astrology, and even if you’re not, it’s the feeling tone that gave rise to today’s musings and contextualizes the focus of my work and why I believe we are all creative regardless of how that expresses through us.

Beauty, harmony, warmth, and love are primary values of mine and having the inner and outer freedom to radiate (express) these themes into my own life and the world is, in large part, what my personal inner work has been about. It is where much of the poison in my own life has coalesced and where my healing takes place.

Sundays help me feel into my own expansiveness and radiance. I have made it a day of self-remembering. This warmth, expansiveness, and radiance help me to see with eyes of love. Being able to see what you experience as poison as its own medicine and reflect your subtle beauty back to you is my gift, owning that has been my own poison/medicine path.

It’s through eyes of love that I learned to ask questions that are truly questions and not subtle judgments or agendas. It’s also through the eyes of love and the act of self-remembering that I learned to speak kindly to myself.

These are two of my favorite questions.

“How do I feel in this moment?”

One way of answering in kindness is allowing words to flow uncensored to get them all out in front of us and see them in a different light. It’s helpful to feel emotions and sensations in our bodies and then saying them out loud or writing them down gives a little bit of distance that helps in being with them fully rather than being at the affect of them or under the weight of them. It aids in being in right relationship with our feelings as they are without moving to fix or change or avoid them. For this question, which is more about taking stock and acknowledging, I use a piece of paper.

This is a great way to empty out. I like to follow it up with another question so that I’m intentional about what I fill up with.

“How do I want to feel?” These could be emotional and sensations I want to feel today or in the future, generally or related to a particular goal or desire.

Again, letting words simply flow related to that can allow for the freedom to see a fuller picture of our desires around some aspect of ourselves or life.. 

I use stickies and markers for this question as I’m orienting to building intention. You can place them on a wall as I do, in a journal, or online mapping tool. If you try these, notice the differences in your body between getting up to put a sticky on the wall and taking up the space on the wall and being stationary as you journal or map.

This becomes my vision board. Images really are worth a thousand words and hold layers of meaning and sometimes when I’m pulling photos from magazines they carry an energy and intent beyond my own. I still use this visual method and others to make visions boards and this is not to diminish those methods. This is simply to give another option for how to work with what’s inside of you, what is yours, what visions are asking for expression, and a means for giving it expression consciously.

These are words that come up inside of me through my own process  and I understand what they mean to me without any cultural or societal overlay. They’re my own and create a picture unique to my own feelings, circumstances, and interiority. 

It might feel a little challenging to only have words but giving them each a sticky of their own, often written in different colors and handwriting, and placed in whatever pattern emerges creates an image that bridges what can seem like a visual gap.

Then, when the words have all poured out and I feel complete, I can see what is there on the wall. The wall of my heart in that moment in time viewed with love that recognizes process and doesn’t seek to set any of this in stone. At the same time, this picture formed of sticky notes can help me find my way back to the state I embody when I feel those emotions and sensations bodily, making travel between states a little easier and faster.

I leave these heart visions up until they no longer pulse with resonance. Until then I spend time looking at them, reading them, feeling for each emotion and sensation in my body. I notice what’s unfolding in my life and if the details of it are coalescing around this immersive intention.

This is my Sunday offering of love to you. I hope you try it on, give yourself some spaciousness, and let me know how it goes for you.

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If you would like to work with me in this kind of spaciousness that allows your process to unfold, click here to schedule your first session.